Monday, 10 November 2008

Goofbay inceases your chances of Winning eBay Auctions

I will try not to make this sound like an advert, because it most definitely is not one.

A little while back whilst bidding on eBay auctions, I was finding I was being outbid in the final few seconds of an auction. I would be winning for quite some time and then time and time again, another user would win the item at the death. Initially I just accepted this as part of the process, but then it just started to get plain annoying!

I decided to try and use the same strategy by bidding right near the end. I found this very tricky to time right, sometimes I wasn't available to bid and other times, I just forgot.

Then I found an Auction Sniping tool called Goofbay.

Goofbay offers a FREE auction sniping service. If you open an account with them and fill in the required details, Goofbay automatically bids on your behalf with your maximum bid. You can even set the bid to happen within 2 seconds of the end. Nobody has much chance of responding to a bid placed 2 seconds before the end.

I was dubious at first and little concerned about typing in sensitive information to people I didn't even know who were running a Free service. To apply the bids for you, Goofbay require your eBay password.

I need not have been worried at all. The service worked beautifully and I was now winning items at great prices!

If you are experiencing similar problems and always being outbid right near the end, I would strongly recommend Goofbay. I found their service to be both safe and extremely reliable.

Placing the snipes is also very easy. You just need the eBay listing number, the amount you are willing to bid and when you want to bid. Not only that, Goofbay will send you emails when the bidding has gone above your entered amount!

Overall, I have been very impressed. - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much more