Saturday 4 October 2008

ITV: The X-Factor

Whilst the BBC have their yearly contest of "Strictly Come Dancing", the ITV have "The X-Factor". Both shows are always on at the same time of year and involve the viewing public to vote for their favourites to stay in the respective competitions each week.

The main fun for X-Factor, for me, is the earlier shows where you get to see the acts that are just plain dreadful. Thousands of people audition each year and while most will be "just average", a small percentage will be "extremely poor". Very very extremely poor in fact. Maybe a word has yet to be invented to adequately convey how bad they actually are. Oddly, each one of them believes they are the best singer in the world ever.

Delusion must be quite a strong influence, because one suspects, if you have reached such a high level of awfulness, you must surely be vaguely aware of it. Mustn't you?

Here is a video I found on Youtube from a few years back. The producers of the show gave all the worst auditioners a chance to perform a Michael Jackson song together. Pay particular attention to the women that misses her queue completely.

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