Wednesday 22 October 2008

Eurovision 2009 - Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber has a Cunning Plan

So... the UK keep finishing last or near to last in the Erovision Song Contest. Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber has seen this great travesty and is taking charge of the situation. Hurrah, that's that sorted then.

Well no...

There are now so many eastern block countries around Russia all voting for each other, that it is a virtual impossibility for any Western European Country to ever win. The quality of the song is practically irrelevant. Former X-Factor winner, Andy Abraham finished joint last with Germany's entry last year. The great Terry Wogan himself, was on the border of given up his long-running commentary of the contest, due to the shear hopelessness of the situation.

Well, if anyone can do it, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber can do. Failing him, maybe Batman or someone.

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