Saturday 11 October 2008

BBC Strictly - Week 4 - Scores from the Judges

Week 4 in the BBC's competition saw the women compete for the second time. After the Judges votes we can see that Cherie Lunghi has done it again. That's two performances running she has scored higher than hot female favourite, Rachel Stevens to top the leaderboard. It will be very interesting come Monday to see how Bookmakers alter the odds. It now appears that either one of four people could win the contest on what could well become the tightest series ever.

Tonight the two dances were the Quickstep and the Rumba. Here are the scores before the viewers vote is added on Sunday.

Cherie Lunghi & James 35
Rachel Stevens & Vincent 33
Lisa Snowdon & Brendan 32
Christine Bleakley & Matthew 26
Heather Small & Brian 23
Jodie Kidd & Ian 22
Jessie Wallace & Darren 19

Jessie Wallace places last again, but was saved from the bottom two in week 1 and the same could very well happen again such is her popularity. The bottom two in the dance-off could well be Jodie Kidd for a second time and Heather Small. Tune in Sunday to find out! - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios Blog