Saturday, 14 June 2008

The Busiest & Most Popular Forums on the Net

The Internet has become packed with many many many different Forums. Their subject matter is varied and covers virtually everything you can ever think of. Computer Games, Roleplaying, Health, TV & Film, Sports and beyond...

But, which ones are the most popular? Which ones see the most visitors and inspire the most web-surfers to join and become a part of?

There is a site called Big Boards which attempts to keep track of them all. It's address is,

The current leader is Gaia Online, an Anime roleplaying community. So far, it has attracted 13,127,069 members... that is quite a few!

Do you have an up and coming board? Maybe you should register it in the Big Board directories and watch it speed up the ranks! :o) - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios The Jeep Pants News Network