Monday, 21 December 2009

How often should you update a Blog?

Well... what's the answer? Once a day? Once a week? Once a month? Once a decade ???

Hmmm, there's no real set rule about this and I don't think there ever will be. I suppose that's good. However, if you can keep to a decent posting schedule, then that's great. Regular readers will always know when you have something new to say and it is probably better for the mysterious Google Search Engine also. If you don't update your blog regularly, then people may give it up for dead. Bad news.

However... it's not good to force yourself to Blog when you haven't really anything of interest to say. That's just going to annoy people. Well, it might interest masochists. Um, if you write a masochists blog then that's probably ok.

So... how have I done in 2009? Well, not that well really. I had planed to update regularly and in some parts of the year was pretty successful. Other parts, the blog did look a bit dead and on my return there were quite a few cobwebs about the place.

US President Barack Obama gave himself a B+ on his first year in office. Seeing as we are now allowed to mark ourselves, erm, I'm giving myself a B+ also.

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