Saturday, 31 October 2009

Star Wars: Starring Kurt Russell as Han Solo ?

Like many, I'm a great fan of the Star Wars films. More so the original unaltered trilogy than the prequels and CGI'd edited originals. Although all have their fans. This is Star Wars after all.

What made the Originals so special, in my opinion, is the quality that Harrison Ford brought to the role of Han Solo. He made the character an iconic figure in movie history and without him, who knows how successful the film would have become otherwise. This argument will always remain one of much heated debate.

A lot of Actors auditioned for the role of Han. Below is Kurt Russell's attempt.

Interesting. A bit flat I think and I'm not sure how seriously the young Kurt is taking the audition. If only he then knew how much money it could have potentially earned him. Oh well, i don't think his career has gone too badly despite this.

Not sure what become of the chap auditioning as Luke here... maybe he become a Storm Trooper. :op

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