Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Boris Johnson is Greased Lightning !!!

Hi, I've just put together a rather amusing Boris Johnson London Mayor video. Well... I'll let you decide. :o)

Go Boris! Greased Lightning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you view it on Youtube and you're signed in with an account, feel free to leave a comment ! - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios Blog

Sunday, 17 August 2008

The Death Star IT Department - Star Wars, The IT Crowd

More on the Youtube and movie making theme. After uploading a number of Amiga game clips I have now looked to progress a bit further technically with film editing.

It's a small step, but here are short clips edited together of Star Wars and one of my favourite BBC sitcoms, The IT Crowd. I think it works quite well. :o)

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Amiga : Kick Off 2 - China vs Rotherham

Yes yes yes, I know. China and Rotherham... they absolutely hate each other. The Football game Kick Off 2 on the Commodore Amiga.

Amiga : IK+ International Karate

Thought I'd share a bit more of Commodore Amiga nostalgia today. This game is IK+ (International Karate) The aim was to get to black belt... not sure this was something I ever achieved.

Amiga: Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe slay Damocles

Ha ha! Damocles get absolutely pulverised! Speedball 2 on the Amiga. :o)

Amiga : Speedball - The original first game

Wow! Here it is, the very first Speedball game released. Fast and furious, pure nostalgia. The much updated Speedball 2 was to follow later.

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Re: Commodore Amiga Games, Nostalgia

Following on from my blog of just a few days ago regarding the commodore Amiga, I have been reliving a few memories. One of the games I used to play the most was Test Drive 2 (or Test Drive II) by Accolade.

What made this game so good for the time was the release of extra Car and Scenery disks which greatly expanded the game's longevity. Yes indeed, I have been playing the game quite a bit recently. :o)

Below is footage of both the Car disks released by Accolade. They were The Super Cars and The Muscle Cars. - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios Blog

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Commodore Amiga Games, Nostalgia

The Commodore Amiga dates back to the late eighties and early nineties. I hadn't played these games in nearly twenty years, but after downloading an Emulator for my PC called WINUAE, I looked forward to loading up some of those old games that I used to play when I probably should have been doing my school homework or revising for something important.

Pure nostalgia!

I have included some footage of a couple of the games below which are Test Drive 2 and Stunt Car Racer. Ha ha, I added to the sound of the Stunt Car Racer clip to make it a bit more interesting for you... now it's Homer Simpson driving! Woohoo !!!
 - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios Blog

Monday, 4 August 2008

Hydor External Heater - Update

During May, I published a blog concerning the excellent External Aquarium Heater produced by Hydor,

Hydor Blog

The one I have installed to my Fluval 105 is still working to a high standard. I have since added some additional footage onto Youtube for those who are still undecided and require a bit more information. The clip is kept brief at 47 seconds. - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios Blog

And the Bristlenose Catfish :o)

More aquarium footage today. This time of the Bristlenose Catfish.

He is male and has occupied the tank for little over a year. He was born with one pectoral fin missing, but seems to have adapted well.

He is a great eliminator or algae! As always, I have included a few fishy facts in the video. :o)

In summary, these are very unusual fish with an odd swimming style. It is important to provide them with a cave or hiding place that they can adopt as theirs for resting. - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios Blog

Sunday, 3 August 2008

More Aquarium Youtube footage !!!

Following my blog of yesterday, I decided to upload a few more short videos onto Youtube. I'm starting to get the hang of this now and uploading video clips has proven a lot easier than I previously imagined. I wish I had put some videos up a lot earlier now ! :oP

This time, I have focused on three fish species and also thrown in some factoids as well. See? It's educational as well. :o)

Many thanks for watching !!! - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios The Jeep Pants News Network

Saturday, 2 August 2008

A look at the Aquarium :o)

Hello strangers! I haven't updated the blog very much over the last couple of weeks, partly due to time constraints, but mainly due to a loss of inspiration. Oh well, it happens to the best of them I guess. :oP

Fortunately, despite my absence, I see that the world blogging community has somehow managed to soldier on. I had feared it would collapse, declared a fad and promptly forgotten like a poor dinner joke told by Gyles Brandreth.

Yes, anyway, I have finally uploaded something to Youtube which I have been meaning to do for quite some time. The video below is of my current aquarium. A little bit of quality has been lost in the upload process, but hopefully I'll do a bit better next time!

Ok, so that's another milestone crossed off the list. I am now an official Youtuber. Hmmmm, doesn't feel much different to before. - Giftware & Collectables. Egyptian figures, Gothic skulls, Wicca / Wiccan, Gargoyles, Fairies & Angels & much The Imbroglios The Jeep Pants News Network