Friday, 10 July 2009

Been away, but back with a new face

All is quiet, ghostly quiet... a tumbleweed would blow past, but resists for fear of making too much noise.

Yes hello & thank you for stopping by. If you have been patiently waiting for the next Blog entry, I hope you did not run out of food. This Blog has been rather neglected for quite some time, but I'm pleased to say it is being fully resurrected. Yes, that's right. Try to calm yourself. This time however the blog will be wearing a rather different costume.

The Imbroglios are back.. kind of, sort of. I need to be more definite. Yes then, they are back... and should be better than ever before... hopefully maybe. Hmmm, yes.

Now that I have your full confidence for the coming Millennia, I'm sure you'll not be at all tempted to go any where else.

The Imbroglios will no longer focus on the goings on of Z-List celebrity Television programs and instead bring to you interesting, wonderful and the down right strangest of the strange of News reports from around the globe.

So strap yourself in. Ahead, warp factor 17!

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