Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Healthy Breakfast of the Future: Chocco Flakes with Fizzy Milk

So then, every drink that it's possible to make has been made by now, so you shouldn't even bother trying. Yes, that's right. Any other possibility that hasn't already been put on the market would be plain gut-wrenchingly horrid.

Hey though, what about fizzy milk?

Fizzy what?

You know, fizzy milk... milk with fizz in. Don't you just hate it when you get some milk from the fridge and it's all flat?

Er... not really.

Erm yes, I'm sure fizzy milk will be just delightful. So delightful in fact that Coke plan to release it onto the market. This can't be a good move can it? In this time of growing World obesity and the health push for our children to eat more healthily, the mad boffin scientists at Coke come up with this.

In the difficult quest to come up with a new revolutionary drink in an over-saturated marketplace and spark increased revenues, this seems to be the answer. We are doomed! Or are we? Maybe it will be nicer than it sounds.

The drink contains skim milk mixed with sparkling water, flavored with fruit and sweetened with cane sugar. It may not be the Real Thing, but will be hitting shop shelves in the near future.

I look forward to Fizzy Cheese, Fizzy Yogurts and Fizzy Mad Cow disease.

jenkin7 - Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7 - www.jenkin7.com
Giftware & Collectables

20p or not 20p that is the Question

And what a question. It's amazing when even the slightest snifter of an opportunity presents itself, the shear volume of scammers in this modern day Internet world suddenly emerge. There can only be one world to describe this category of people and that word is, "Scumbags". Ok... well maybe there's another one, "Stupid".

You may remember, a little while back, the Royal Mint (The clever ones who produce all the physical money) made a bit of a technical boo boo. They made and circulated around 200,000 20 pence pieces without a date on. So.. no date. Doh! This made them all extremely valuable for some reason... a great deal more than 20p in fact.

Some experts claimed any of these 20p pieces were now probably worth around £50. Some sources said they were worth Hundreds of pounds, a few silly sources said they could even be worth Thousands of pounds. Fate had seemingly taken the day off and left Captain Stupid in charge.

Ok, so these botched undated 20 pences were very rare and probably worth £50 each to hardened Coin Collectors.

Step in the scammers / Scumbags / Stupid people...

Within hours of all this, 20 pence pieces started appearing for sale on the popular Auction site, eBay. How many of these were the real McCoy? How many of these auctions were for the genuine coins? Well.... none that I could definitely confirm. Many listings even showed pictures of regular 20 pences with the date either photoshopped off or badly scratched away.

One Seller was trying to sell one at a cost of 11 Million pounds, another at a more modest 9 Million. Each said they would take Legal Action if the Buyer didn't pay. That would have been a very interesting Court case.... I wonder what the eBay fees are on an 11 Million pound item?

To their merit, eBay did remove a lot of these listings. You have to ask though, what thought processes go on in someones mind to attempt and think they can get away with this sort of scam? Criminal Mastermind or Epic Fail?

Ho hum, I doubt it will be the last time this sort of thing occurs. Roll on to the next one...

jenkin7 - Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7 - www.jenkin7.com
Giftware & Collectables

Saturday, 25 July 2009

My Tropical Fish Aquarium Suddenly isn't big enough...

Any obsessed keeper of Tropical Fish will be well familiar with the term "Multiple Tank Syndrome".

MTS is where your love of the hobby gets to such a point, that you desire to keep more and more different species of fish. You suddenly find your existing aquarium simply isn't big enough anymore for your new growing ambitions. And somewhat inevitably you buy an even larger Aquarium to satisfy your growing fishy addiction. After a while, the cycle then repeats itself and you are now deep inside the realms of Multiple Tank Syndrome. These pretty glass boxes are soon everywhere.

Anything can trigger the start of MTS. Reading about a fish in a book or the Internet, or often just seeing a larger more impressive tank than your own. Anyway, take a look at this...

I hope this has helped any sufferers out there. You can't beat a tank that's so large, the only way to clean it is to put on full Scuba-Diving gear and jump in with a large underwater Vacuum Cleaner.

Care: This size Aquarium may be a bit heavy for some floor joists.

jenkin7 - Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7 - www.jenkin7.com
Giftware & Collectables

Supermarkets cutting down on Plastic Bags. Why?

Last year in the UK, Supermarkets used 418 Million less plastic Carrier bags in an effort to cut down on landfill. Apparently, according to Environmentalist types these bags take around 1000 years to disintegrate.

1000 years? 1000 years? How is it then, if I put some in my kitchen cupboard, they've already got holes in within just a few days? With most of them, one of the handles have already ripped even before they've caught sight of the cupboard.

1000 years? Who come up such an outlandish estimate? Some one who was about to clock off for the day and desperately get to the Pub I think. "How long can these plastic bags last?", "Er, um, oh just put 1000 years, nobodies going to have time to check it for real are they? Lets go now.", "Ok lets, its tough being an Environmentalist what with all the outlandish estimating and everything."

What a load of rubbish. If I made a suit from these Plastic bags would I expect it to last 1000 years before it disintegrated? I Don't think so. I'd look cool for all of half a day.

"What's up with your suit?", "Oh, it's bloody disintegrated again".

That's no good.

They say the average shopper uses approximately 13,000 bags in their lifetime. And you know why that is. It's because the bag starts disintegrating the second you get it out the shop.

jenkin7 - Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7 - www.jenkin7.com
Giftware & Collectables

Sunday, 19 July 2009

"This is It" - Great Jackson YouTube Music Vid

No real need for a detailed description on this occasion. Uploaded in March 2009, 3 months before Michael Jackson's untimely death, this is a great music Remix by Steve Porter.

Great stuff. Keep a close eye on some of those screaming fans, one is particularly amusing. :oD

jenkin7 - Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7 - www.jenkin7.com
Giftware & Collectables

Link your Social apps together with FriendFeed

In this new heady Internet world of Web2.0., there are many Social apps that you can suddenly find yourself using.

You may have Blogs, Picture hosting Services, Video Upload Services such as Youtube, networking services such as Facebook or Twitter, various RSS Feed readers and the list goes on and on...

With an increasing amount of social apps all doing their various jobs and operations, wouldn't it be great if you could link them all together in one central place?

Well good news, now you can with FriendFeed!

It's well worth checking out. Link all your Social Apps together and FriendFeed will provide a single Feed of all updates to anything you may be doing related to them.

Easy to set up, simple to operate, free to use... there's no real reason not to open an account.

If you wish to subscribe to my FriendFeed it is jenkin7Nick. I always subscribe back. :o)

jenkin7 - Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7 - www.jenkin7.com
Giftware & Collectables

Friday, 17 July 2009

Twitter Great... hey, I'm not in Main Search all of a sudden

Having tried some of the micro-blogging competitors including Jaiku and the like, in my opinion, there is nothing really out there that can rival the strength and popularity of Twitter. Used correctly it can be a very powerful tool.

Up until 2009, I hadn't really heard of the Twitter phenomena. I turned on the TV one day and saw Gyles Brandreth talking about it on the BBC's The One Show. Well, good old Gyles made a pretty good case for it so I signed up for an account in February. As is usually the case with these new fangled social Internet things, many user names were already taken and I finally ended with jenkin7nick, whick is made up of my name and the Internet Giftware store I help run.

All has been fairly well ever since. I post some tweets (as they are called) every day (these are status updates with a maximum of 140 characters) and follow a fair few people... yes, including Gyles. He is an all round good egg.

Twitter is fantastic as an information and News source with many News stations having regularly updated accounts like the BBC & ITN. Also Celebrities are using it in every increasing numbers including such huge mega-stars like Keith Chegwin. Yes, it's true.

So why should you open a Twitter account... well, something to do isn't it? Plus you can say you are "With it". You know the score and all that sort of chat that I have a very lose grip on as you can probably tell.

At the moment unfortunately, my Tweets are not appearing in Twitters search facility so I'm a bit invisible. I do not know why this is. I haven't sent any spam or tried to sell weapons grade plutonium to anybody so I'm guessing it's some kind of glitch. Well.. more hoping really. I've submitted a Help Ticket to Twitter support on the 10th July and its current status is, "This request is currently being processed by our staff". Am I worried... well, a little.

If you open an account, take leave of your senses and want to follow me, my account is jenkin7Nick. I always follow back... please don't be a serial killer.

jenkin7 - Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7 - www.jenkin7.com
Giftware & Collectables

Friday, 10 July 2009

Been away, but back with a new face

All is quiet, ghostly quiet... a tumbleweed would blow past, but resists for fear of making too much noise.

Yes hello & thank you for stopping by. If you have been patiently waiting for the next Blog entry, I hope you did not run out of food. This Blog has been rather neglected for quite some time, but I'm pleased to say it is being fully resurrected. Yes, that's right. Try to calm yourself. This time however the blog will be wearing a rather different costume.

The Imbroglios are back.. kind of, sort of. I need to be more definite. Yes then, they are back... and should be better than ever before... hopefully maybe. Hmmm, yes.

Now that I have your full confidence for the coming Millennia, I'm sure you'll not be at all tempted to go any where else.

The Imbroglios will no longer focus on the goings on of Z-List celebrity Television programs and instead bring to you interesting, wonderful and the down right strangest of the strange of News reports from around the globe.

So strap yourself in. Ahead, warp factor 17!

Weird and wonderful Giftware!
jenkin7 Giftware & Collectables
www.jenkin7.co.uk - www.jenkin7.com