Sunday, 6 July 2008

Next Doctor Who? Follow up

Following on from my blog of the 2nd July, just who will be the next Doctor Who? At the end of the last weeks episode, the Doctor was left in mid-regeneration, leaving us all feverishly speculating on his possible replacement.

So... after watching this weeks episode, who is the next Doctor? Er, yes... unknown. The Doctor regenerated, but somehow didn't. He part regenerated. He duplicated himself into human form. There were 3 Doctors. One of them was Catherine Tait. Confusing? Never try and make sense out of science-fiction programmes, that is all I can say.

So it appears that David Tennant will be with us a little bit longer then? That must be good news. He is the best Doctor since Tom Baker in my opinion.

There will be a next Doctor at some point. It is inevitable, but it will not be for a while. I don't suppose the Bookmakers mind though, getting all the bank interest from people who wagered on his pending replacement. Maybe this was all some kind of clever master plan all along, hatched by someone even more devious than Davros himself.

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